How we are financed?
The foundation working for love responds to a policy of good practices and transparency the reason why publish the information on how it is financed (data of 2018)
How we are financed?
The foundation working for love responds to a policy of good practices and transparency the reason why publish the information on how it is financed (data of 2018)
How we are financed?
The foundation working for love responds to a policy of good practices and transparency the reason why publish the information on how it is financed (data of 2018)
How we are financed?
The foundation working for love responds to a policy of good practices and transparency the reason why publish the information on how it is financed (data of 2018)
How we are financed?
The foundation working for love responds to a policy of good practices and transparency the reason why publish the information on how it is financed (data of 2018)
How we are financed?
The foundation working for love responds to a policy of good practices and transparency the reason why publish the information on how it is financed (data of 2018)
How we are financed?
The foundation working for love responds to a policy of good practices and transparency the reason why publish the information on how it is financed (data of 2018)
a. Conflict of interest policy:
The objective of this policy of good practice is to ensure that the decision making process in the FOUNDATION WORKING FOR LOVE is impartial, always prevailing the interest of the Organization against any interest of personal benefit of one or more of its members. Members are understood to be persons belonging to the governing o consultative bodies, the people´s management team, as well as the rest of the employees of the Working for love foundation.
b. Financial risk management policy:
The objective of this policy is to establish the guidelines governing the management of financial risks to which the FOUNDATION WORKING FOR LOVE is exposed, as a consequence of the complexity that are acquiring in an upward way the financial and capital markets, and the international arena in which its activity as an organization is carried out.
c. Suggestions and complaints policy
The objective of this policy is to establish the guidelines governing the management of the risk of fraud and other illicit acts, the objective of this policy is to establish mechanisms to identify possible risks of conflicts of interest or other nature, as well as areas of improvement in the internal management of the FOUNDATION WORKING FOR LOVE as part of its continual improvement process; in order to reinforce the commitment to our stakeholders.
d. Fraud risk manage and illegal acts
The objective of this policy is establish the guidelines governing the management of the risk of fraud other illicit acts, such as corruption, money laundering and the financing of terrorism, among others, to which the FOUNDATION WORKING FOR LOVE is exposed both internally and externally, with the ultimate goal of being able to prevent them and if it occurs, have suitable mechanisms that mitigate their impact on the organization.
e. Security police
The objective of this policy is to define a framework of reference for the management of the security in the FOUNDATION WORKING FOR LOVE that allows to reduce the exposure, of the assets of the organization and of the people related to our intervention to a level of risk acceptable and consequently, it allows us to continue working in difficult environments, facilitating access to the people, we accompany and achieving our goals, improving the efficiency and impact of our actions